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Make Fire Ant & Mosquito Control a Priority to Prevent Painful Viruses and Diseases


We all know that mosquitos and fire ants are annoying. But did you know that these pests can also carry harmful viruses and diseases? This is why it’s so important to call us at Pest & Termite Consultants and make fire ant and mosquito control a priority year-round.

Make Fire Ant & Mosquito Control a Priority to Prevent Painful Viruses and Diseases

Let’s start with fire ants. These critters are known for causing stinging, painful welts on the body after you get bitten. On top of this, when these bugs crawl around any garbage left on your property, they can pick up germs, like salmonella and E. coli. When these ants bite you, they can pass on these germs to you, which can cause health problems like gastroenteritis.

When mosquitos buzz around your head and eventually bite you, the welts they leave behind can be itchy and annoying. But here in North Carolina specifically, mosquitos can spread Law Crosse Encephalitis, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and West Nile Virus. Although many people experience mild or no symptoms when exposed to these diseases, some can get very ill.

If you keep finding fire ant hills in your grass or it feels like you can’t go outside because of an influx of mosquitos, there’s something you can do about it. Our team will put a fire ant and mosquito control plan in place to eliminate these pests and prevent you from developing any of the harmful diseases they carry. To learn more about our ant and mosquito control solutions, get in touch with us today.

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