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Advantages of Bed Bug Heat Treatment


In our experience at NC Pest Control, many people assume that bed bugs are an old-fashioned problem that we don’t have to worry about anymore, but unfortunately, this is not the case. Bed bugs still affect a large number of households today, and to deal with them, our experts offer bed bug heat treatments. Using heat for bed bugs has several advantages over using pesticides, and we will be going over some of these advantages below to help you make the best decision for your needs.

Advantages of Bed Bug Heat Treatment

  • There’s No Place for the Bugs to Hide. One advantage of using bed bug heat treatment over chemical treatment methods is that the bed bugs can’t escape from the heat. In heat treatments, the temperature of the room is raised to 145° F or more, far above the temperature range that bed bugs can stand, and that heat fills the whole house, killing them all.
  • There’s No Need to Worry About Pesticide Resistance. Another advantage of heat treatments is that, unlike pesticides, bed bugs can’t develop a resistance to heat. Even if some of the bed bugs infesting your home are resistant to pesticide chemicals, the extreme heat will still kill them, making resistance a non-issue.
  • Heat Treatments Work Faster. A third advantage of bed bug heat treatment over other methods is that it will kill all the bugs within just hours. Bed bugs simply can’t survive for long under those conditions, so instead of having to wait for weeks while pesticides spread through the colony, you can have your bug problem dealt with within a single afternoon.
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